Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Looking for History

History is revealed in the journals. 


The mundane journals of each individual, could collectively contribute more knowledge than all the study of history has produced so far. 


To that end, I believe that there is a good chance that early, unpublished journals, could help us piece together more than we currently know about the early days of the Honeyville settlement.  Specifically, it would be interesting if any of the railroad men recorded their impressions of Honeyville as the Utah Northern Railroad passed through. I have listed some of those men below, and by chance, someone may have some family journals for inspection.  Failing further first-hand accounts, there is still much unknown about the early days of the town.

First engineer to pass:   Charley (Charles) Paul
First train crew to pass:   Evan Jones (engineer), George Farnes (fireman), Dan Roberts (conductor)
First roadmaster:   William Toombs

Other early engineer and crew members:   Mark Jones, Parley P. Jones, Pilip Phillips, A.M. Carter, William Sprount, William Hopkins, Colline Fulmer, Ed Lives, Chancey West.

I hope to yet post more as I continue to learn.