Saturday, May 14, 2016

Finally... the old train station revisited

 I was finally in the Heber area and was able to go get some pictures of the old Honeyville train station.

 What I was really excited about was that I could get inside.  Unfortunately, so could everybody else - it was pretty trashed.
Sliding freight door

The money drawer (note: no money found inside the money drawer)
A quick recap of the old stations journey.  Originally built in Honeyville it served the community for several years as the Union Pacific train depot.  At some point it was moved to Corinne to act as a station there, but that was short lived as it was called into duty as the Golden Spike train museum.  As the centennial of the driving of the golden spike drew near the Golden Spike National Historic Site was dedicated 1957. Thinking nobody would ever actually drive clear out there the Son's of the Utah Pioneers opened a museum in Corinne using the old train station in 1959.  Once the Park Service realized people were driving 'clear out there' and local citizens had staged reenactments each 10th day of May, they finally built a visitor's center in 1978.  The old train station then moved up to Heber City, Utah in 1980, where is became the train station for the Heber Creeper until the early 1990s. The Heber Valley Railroad built their own station and the Honeyville station now sits abandoned in a parking lot a few block north of the current Heber Valley Railroad station.

This has one of the original track switching levers

Upstairs living quarters.

Inside of the ticket counter

Ticket windows (although the signs are newer)
To my knowledge there are no pictures of the interior as it originally sat in Honeyville.
I did find some pictures of it in Corinne.
While in Corinne in 1977 - courtesy John Pack

Courtesy Paul on Flickr (scanned image from Ebay)
The move to Heber City - Deseret News 1980
